Lowell’s graduates have shaped the world. From Washington, D.C. to Silicon Valley, and abroad, Lowell High School’s alumni have been pioneers in every field. This is no surprise, as Lowell’s rigorous curriculum and concentration of highly motivated students helped lead to their success.
Lowell High School's notable alumni include:
Government and Military Retired Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, Charles Breyer (U.S. Appeals Court), Edmund G. “Pat" Brown (California governor), Pierre Salinger (press secretary to U.S. President John F. Kennedy), Stephen Mather (first director of the National Park Service), Julia Chang Bloch (U.S. Ambassador to Nepal), John Roos (U.S. Ambassador to Japan), William Renwick Smedberg Jr. (Brigadier General – United States Army).
Business and Finance Walter Haas (Board chairman, Levi Strauss & Co. and namesake of the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley), Gerald M. Loeb (founding partner of E.F. Hutton & Co.), Richard C. Blum, Warren Hellman, Larry Baer (CEO of the San Francisco Giants), Cyril Magnin (Chief Executive of the Joseph Magnin Co.), Don Fisher (founder of The Gap).
Lowell’s alumni are founders of Silicon Valley and have revolutionized computing. William Hewlett (co-founder of Hewlett-Packard), Eric Bier (Principal Scientist at Palo Alto Research Center, Inc. and holder of 41 U.S. Patents), Kristina Hooper Woolsey (founder of the Apple Multimedia Lab).
Nobel Prize Winners and Scientists Albert Abraham Michelson (Nobel Prize in Physics in 1907 and the first American Nobel laureate in a scientific field), Eric Allin Cornell (Nobel Prize in Physics in 2001), Edison T. Liu (American chemist who is the former president and CEO of The Jackson Laboratory and the former director of its NCI-designated Cancer Center), Dian Fossey (naturalist, see Gorillas in the Mist).
Performing Arts From Broadway to Hollywood, Lowell has produced notable personalities in the performing arts. Carol Channing (actress), Bill Bixby (actor and director), Steve Silver (creator of Beach Blanket Babylon), Benjamin Bratt (actor), Jamie Chung (actress), 24kGoldn (musician).
If you are aware of the accomplishments of a Lowell alum who should be added to the list, please contact the Friends of Lowell Foundation at